The normal rule of the world is that a woman should have long hair and a man should have short hair. But now, those rules have been broken and people can make their own choices, which is very freeing and in style. So, if you’re still not sure that short hair is better, or if you’re not sure how short hair would look on you, we’ve got you covered.
Also, as pretty as long hair may be, it’s a lot of work to keep it in good shape, and don’t even get me started on how it always ends up in food or clogs the shower drain. And even though deciding to end it can be hard, it can also feel very freeing.
This piece is about how short hair looks great on women. Modern society doesn’t try very hard to keep women in the mold of what a typical woman should be like. Aside from that, women look better with short hair than with long hair.
Having short hair saves you a lot of time getting ready, saves you money on hair care products, makes it easier to work with, and feels great on your head. These are only a few of the few good things about having short hair. You can also try different ways to style your hair every two weeks or a month if you get a new cut. This is something you can’t do with long hair.
We’ve put together a list of the best before-and-after hairstyle changes. Women who decided to take the plunge and cut their long hair are sharing their before-and-after pictures, which are really inspiring.




























