Are you make an angry with easily? Do you need to stop it right now? Check these anger management tips that very helpful to control your anger very quickly.

Anger is completely a normal feeling that everyone feels anytime, anyplace. However, you should know how to manage your anger correctly. Otherwise, it can badly affect your behaviors and can raise unnecessary problems like saying bad words, yelling at others, threatening people, developing health issues (blood pressure, stress, mental issues..etc), and physical violence.
Anger management doesn’t mean learning never to get angry. It is the way to control your natural anger effectively and using it to get maximum benefits.
Here are the 10 anger management tips that you should know.
1: Count Down
This is one of the popular anger control methods most people know. If you feel anger, immediately start count down 10 to 0 or count up 0 to 10. This will be works for most anger situations. But, if you feel really mad, you can count down big numbers such as from 50 or 100.
2: Start Exercise
When you feel angry start doing some exercises such as walking, running, bicycle riding or any workouts. This will help you to decrease your negative or anger feelings and fix your mood back. Also, exercises will help you to relax your muscles in various body areas and comes back to normal.
3: Play Or Listen Music
Music is God’s gift that can help to reduce anger. It can change our mood very quickly while healing our minds and soul. So, if you face any angry situation, quickly listen to music or play music. Surly, your all angry feeling will go away like fire stopping after spreading the water. If you can listen to music using your headphone while dancing, the results will come pretty quickly.
4: Breath Control
You know, after the angry came, our breath speed goes high and shallow. You have to identify this pattern carefully. When you feel angry you can get deep slow breaths. It will relax your mood and remove your anger.
5: Draw Something
When you get angry, you can start drawing something. It can be anything such as sketch, flower, animal, etc. Drawing can release your anger in very quick time.
6: Stop Talking
When someone gets angry, automatically he or she starts talking loudly. Most words that come to his or her mouth are bad words. So, if you feel angry immediately stop talking, and better go away. This might be helpful to reduce your angry.
7: Remind the STOP sign
The STOP sign is a universal sign that everyone can understand. It says “STOP”. So, If you can remind this sign when feeling angry, you can quickly remove your anger feeling and come back to normal.
8: Forgive Him, She, Or Them
Giving forgiveness is a very important thing you must learn. It is not an easy task to do if you have not good practice. But, you have to learn and practice this in your day-to-day life. Definitely, it will help you to control your anger very quickly.
9: Telling Repeat Mantra
Some people are used to telling mantras repeatedly when they get angry. The mantra would be a single word or few words. The idea is the calm down your mind and get back on track.
10: Ask Your Self
This is the last and very important tip for reducing your anger. Every anger has a reason. You have to identify it clearly. You can ask yourself these types of questions. “Why did I get angry?”, “What am I feeling right now?”, “Am I right?..etc. You can do this in either your mind or loudly.