Megan and Morgan initially gained public attention in 2015, when their mother (Stephanie Boyd) posted a photo of them on Instagram.
The twins, who are just four years old, rapidly garnered internet celebrity due to their intriguing eye color; one twin has dazzling blue eyes, while the other has one blue eye and one dark brown.

The little girls became famous after their picture went viral on the internet and they started showing up in numerous fashion shows and other events.

Currently eleven years old, Megan and Morgan were both born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in June 2011.

Mom Stephanie, a plus-size model and social media influencer, also oversees the 823K+ follower Instagram account of her daughters.
Their YouTube channel has a large fan base, with over 62000 subscribers, and people enjoy watching their videos.

Stephanie, the twins’ mother, adored sharing her daily life on the internet, according to Yen News. When her daughters were born in 2011, she began uploading images and videos of them.
In 2015, after a Camden-based musician and tattoo artist shared one of the twins’ images on his social media account, their posts, which were routinely repeated by friends and family members on Instagram, went viral.
The twins’ public journey began there, and people went crazy following them.

“In a single day, one of the twins’ photos received over 2,000 likes.” They then took over Instagram and moved on to Facebook. As a result, their internet fan base grew, and some influencers even began making material about the girls.”
Stephanie Boyd’s post received more than 6 million views when she shared content generated by other influencers on her social media account. This caused a chain reaction in which celebrities such as Ray Ray, members of the Mindless Behavior band, Yandy Smith, and Wendy Williams shared photographs and videos on their separate pages.
Heterochromia Iridis, a syndrome where one iris has a different color than the other, affects the Trueblue Twins.
Many major businesses adore working with the girls because they are now burgeoning social media celebrities and models.

Despite the fact that Megan and Morgan’s mother Stephanie enjoyed sharing their work online and earning money from it, their father Lovell Knight prefers for their children to experience a typical upbringing like other children.
“Sometimes, I don’t like the unwanted attention my babygirls get when we are out and having family time. It’s like they are celebrities now; people would come and click pictures with them and then are out shooting with brands and fashion shows and whatnot. I want them to have a simpler life,” he said.