Among the biggest subteractive spectacles on Earth is the Cave of Crystal Giants. Just on the border of the United States of America, this geological marvel is found in the depths of the Mexican desert of Chihuahua.

Reaching a depth of 300 meters, this lead, zinc and silver mine is totally covered in pure chalk crystals. Only found in 2002 with the fall of a cave wall, it was subsequently named Cave of Crsytal Giants (Cueva de Los Cristales).

Among the biggest crystalline formations ever discovered on Earth, some of which weigh almost 55 tons, the cave features These crystals thrive in a harsh environment with temperatures ranging from 118°F to 140°F and a humidity of 100% and can measure up to 15 meters in length and 2 meters in diameter. Man and those who operate in the caves are made to wear special heat resistant suits fitted with respirators, quite similar to space suits, as this inferno of heat is inhospitable.

For many years, the Naica Caves were regarded as a mystery until University of Granada professor Juan Manuel Garcia-Ruiz investigated its origins. The calculations of the researcher indicate that these structures developed from the slow pace of material crystallization; in a published scientific article from the “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,” he said: “The growth of the crystals is so slow that until now it was almost impossible to measure. A microscope we created with the University of Sendai, Japan helped us to examine them. This instrument has let us project that some of the crystals have developed over a million years.

Penelope Boston, chief of NASA’s Astrobiology Institute, recently presented her findings at the annual American Association for the Advancement of Science conference. The research found the presence of some microorganisms, especially those caught inside the crystal formations for at least 50,000 years. These microorganisms feed on iron, sulfur, and other compounds fit for harsh surroundings. This incredible revelation enables us to consider how well life can adjust to even the most harsh surroundings. Although the Naica Cave is not a popular tourist spot, its enigmatic beauty helps us to realize the countless hidden opportunities of our earth.