In Thailand, an intriguing tale unfolded not long ago. A cat, well-known in the neighborhood, vanished for three days, causing concern. Its return brought joy to its owner, but also an unexpected note.
The story began with a young man who allowed his cherished cat to explore the outdoors freely. This fluffy feline had endeared itself to the entire community, and its owner believed it to be safe.

Typically, the cat returned home each evening, so when it failed to do so one day, the owner grew anxious. He scoured the neighborhood in search of his pet, but it seemed to have vanished without a trace. Even inquiries with neighbors yielded no information.

Three days later, the cat reappeared nonchalantly, as if nothing unusual had occurred. While the owner was overjoyed at the reunion, his elation turned to bewilderment when he discovered a note attached to the cat’s neck.
The note was authored by a woman named May, a fish vendor at the market. It explained, “Your cat couldn’t resist the mackerels at my stall, so I gave it three. Aunty May from alley number 2.” She had also included her phone number.

The man forgave his cat for the worry it had caused him and compensated May for the fish she had kindly given to his feline friend. He shared this amusing episode with his neighbors and the local online community, captioning his cat’s photos with a touch of humor, “Away for three days and came back with a debt. Isn’t that something?”