In the heart of Queensland’s Gold Coast, Brooke Atkins, a 34-year-old stay-at-home mom, warmly welcomed the birth of her son, Kingsley, in 2022, alongside her 28-year-old partner, Kewene Wallace. The initial joy, however, took an unexpected turn when a distinctive “port wine” mark appeared on Kingsley’s face shortly after birth, raising concerns about potential health implications.
An infant’s unusual skin disease and the problems that came with it.

Port-wine stain birthmarks, generally considered harmless, can become worrisome when located on the face, especially in proximity to the eyes, potentially signaling conditions like Sturge-Weber Syndrome and glaucoma. These conditions carry the risk of seizures, disabilities, and vision problems, even leading to blindness.

Kingsley was diagnosed with both conditions, prompting understandable anxieties about his overall well-being. Brooke, also a mother to a 2-year-old named Amarni, underscored the progressive nature of port wine stains, noting their tendency to darken over time.

In the face of this challenge, Brooke faced not only medical concerns but also societal criticism. Opting for laser treatment to address her baby’s facial birthmark, she courageously defended her decision, emphasizing the importance of early intervention for a successful outcome. However, trolls labeled her as a “monster,” criticizing her for eliminating the birthmark, unaware of the underlying health risks involved.
Brooke Atkins chose laser treatment to get rid of the scar.

Brooke clarified that the laser treatment aimed at preserving her child’s skin health rather than entirely removing the birthmark, a measure to prevent potential harm to the affected area. Despite her explanations, online critics persisted, accusing her of prioritizing her interests over her child’s well-being.
Many people didn’t like the choice Brooke Atkins made.

Undeterred, Brooke shared her dismay at the hurtful comments, revealing the emotional toll on her family. She called for a deeper understanding of her son’s medical condition before passing judgment. “I’m trolled for lasering my baby’s face, but I know I’m right,” she asserted. “It’s not like I woke up one day and decided to get rid of his birthmark. I don’t think he’s any less cute. In fact, he is the most beautiful boy in the whole world, no doubt about that.”

Despite social media criticism, some have rallied in support of Brooke. Supporters argue that, as Kingsley’s mother, she knows what is best for him. Brooke remains hopeful about her son’s future, steadfastly committed to supporting him through any potential challenges.
But the road to healing is still long.

Their family’s journey is still in its early stages, with more than 20 hospital visits, consultations with 10 specialists across 5 medical departments, and various tests and treatments. Through it all, Kingsley remains a joyful, loving, and charming child, and Brooke Atkins remains resolute in her dedication to his well-being.