Even though flying is easier now, it is still sometimes hard to know what will happen. Unexpected things, like bad weather or mistakes made by people, can quickly turn normal trips into uncomfortable ones. Consider air travel, where people may be stuck in metal tubes for long periods of time, dealing with turbulence, loud passengers, and the odd breach of manners.
A video that has gone popular shows a person on a plane getting very angry because a baby is crying. Even though you can understand why they are upset, yelling at the flight attendants and other passengers is not a good way to solve the problem. The funny outburst got a lot of attention online, and it shed light on a behavior called “air rage.”
More info: TikTok

Scholars try to figure out where this irritability in the air comes from. Surveys of tourists show that the feeling of being confined and being close to other people are the biggest sources of discomfort. These things can, sadly, lead to more serious problems, like fights and noise on flights. Videos of these situations are all over social media sites like TikTok, which has led to calls to learn how to stay calm and treat other passengers with care throughout the trip.

But it’s important to look at the bigger picture. Air travel includes more than just flying. It starts at airports, which are often far from cities, with check-ins, security procedures, long lines, and early morning flights. Sharing these places with a lot of other people could lead to an avalanche of small problems, like noise, tiredness, and other inconveniences. Maturity means not putting these annoyances on other people and recognizing the challenges they bring. But to expect a baby to understand such subtleties is getting close to being unfair.

Getting on a plane can make people feel stressed. Standing in lines at airports, seeing people in first-class sitting calmly and in comfort, and the possibility of delays can make people feel envious and tense. This is even worse if you have to sit in a tight economy seat. But it’s important to remember that getting angry at flight staff or other people is not a good way to deal with stress.

In the complicated world of air travel, it’s important to be calm and polite. To get around in the air, you need to not only know how to deal with stress, but also have patience and understanding for other people who are on their own trips.
Source Credit Bored Panda