Visiting a zoo is always an exciting experience for children, when they can get up close and personal to all sorts of creatures big and small. Yet, it can come with some unexpected surprises. For instance, recently a pair of gorillas were caught engaging in behavior similar to what would be seen on the Discovery Channel, which left parents in shock as it happened directly in front of their little ones!
More Info & Image Credit: YouTube/TrBeats NewMzk

Gorillas mate quietly and privately in the wild, but this was a special exception. To the shock of zoo visitors, a pair of gorillas began to mate right in front of them in their enclosure.

The display was not overly energetic or graphic and parents didn’t have to cover their kids eyes or explain what was taking place. Instead, all anyone could really do was take in the view of the male gorilla’s swaying backside as they mated slowly.

One of the younger gorillas eventually came up to the mating pair and sat behind the male, obscuring his view and even touching his behind.
When animals are confined in close quarters, especially in a public setting like a zoo, fights are possible. This is especially true when visitors are present.
Given that the intercourse barely lasted a few minutes and the gorillas strolled off alone thereafter, we can probably assume it wasn’t very enjoyable.