A one-year-old Sphynx cat with visible tattoos on both sides of its body was recently rescued from a Mexican prison, where it had been mistreated and tattooed by a criminal gang. Authorities are now searching for a loving home for the poor pet, who was unfortunately smuggled into the Cereso 3 prison.

The word “Made in Mexico” is written on one of the cat’s tattoos, indicating that it was inked without the cat’s permission in the Mexican city of Juarez.
The unnamed cat was adopted after receiving the go-ahead from the vets and is now looking for a devoted and caring forever home.

According to Cesar Rene Diaz, the city of Juarez’s ecology director, “the cat is quite social and is in perfect health with no diseases,” according to Reuters.

The Sphynx cat is an exotic breed of feline beloved for its inquisitive and loving nature. With a distinct lack of fur, they have become popular pets around the world due to their affectionate nature and loyal companionship, being aptly compared to dogs in many respects.
The Sphynx breed is well known for its distinctive bald coat, which, depending on its texture, can feel rubbery or velvet-like. The breed also has looser skin than other felines, which leads to adorable wrinkles on their face and neck.
These are intriguing animals to examine since their lack of fur makes their skeletal system and muscles obvious.

Additionally, Diaz confirmed that the cat can be adopted by an authorized individual or family who is able to give the feline the care it requires, even if they are based outside of Mexico.
The friendly and photogenic cat has captured the hearts of many visitors to the rescue centre, quickly rising in popularity. A committee of city officials will determine the adoptive family for the feline on March 1st, and the news of their decision will be released soon after.