Love is a very beautiful thing, but when it comes to who to love that’s where the problem lies. Most women have fallen victims to infatuated love as I may say. Because of their soft nature and been naturally subtle at heart, women tend to misunderstand the man’s true feelings.
For love to be complete it has to be MUTUAL, very essential, therefore these are the signs to look out for before you begin to invest your feelings in him.
1. Always wants to be in contact with you

Generally, men are known to always love their space, this is a green card indicating he is really into you, but ladies! You have to be careful with this, you have to observe him closely, don’t misunderstand the desire for lust, as contact with you, if he is into you he just wants to be with you, shares his experiences, and practically want to do everything with you. Integrating you into his life is a sure good sign.
2. Listens
For a guy to pay attention to you is another sign to show he is in love with you. Generally speaking, guys don’t pay attention to girls they don’t like, they believe is a total waste of time.
3. Respect
The respect they say is reciprocal, it is earned and is a feeling but it comes naturally when in love. When he doesn’t show you concern, talks to you anyhow regardless of how you feel, treats you like trash privately and publicly, sister please take it from me he is not into you, don’t invest your feelings!! You need to be treated as a special being you are. GO, ladies!!
4. Supports your dreams and aspiration

His primary objective is your happiness and success, so if he doesn’t love you, first of all, he will not listen to you talk less of showing concern. Ladies be with a guy that adds value to your life, not supporting you, or not be interested in what improves you, shows he is not interested.
5. Understands you

Generally speaking, understanding in a relationship is difficult to attain, it’s more than words and more of feelings, meeting a guy that tries his best to understand you are clearly a keeper.