This Designer Creates Amazingly Worthless Product Designs

This Designer Creates Amazingly Worthless Product Designs

Katerina Kamprani, an architect based in Athens, created “The Uncomfortable,” a series of ordinary things that are purposefully designed to be unpleasant.

In contrast to the majority of product designers, who aim to make their works as useful as possible, Kamprani pursues the exact opposite goal, which is to find the most effective ways for her products to irritate as many people as possible.

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#1: Engagement Mugs

Engagement Mugs
Katerina Kamprani

#2: The Uncomfortable Mug

The Uncomfortable Mug
Katerina Kamprani

#3: Thick Fork

Thick Fork
Katerina Kamprani

#4: Hourglass Salt & Pepper Shakers

Hourglass Salt & Pepper Shakers
Katerina Kamprani

#5: Long Mug

Long Mug
Katerina Kamprani

#6: The Uncomfortable Teapot

The Uncomfortable Teapot
Katerina Kamprani

#7: Triple Door

Triple Door
Katerina Kamprani

#8: The Uncomfortable Fork

The Uncomfortable Fork
Katerina Kamprani

#9: Concrete Umbrella

Concrete Umbrella
Katerina Kamprani

#10: The Uncomfortable Champagne Glasses

The Uncomfortable Champagne Glasses
Katerina Kamprani

#11: Inflatable Doorknob

Inflatable Doorknob
Katerina Kamprani

#12: Uncomfortable Chair

Uncomfortable Chair
Katerina Kamprani

#13: Uncomfortable Chair

Uncomfortable Chair
Katerina Kamprani

#14: The Uncomfortable Wine Glass

The Uncomfortable Wine Glass
Katerina Kamprani

#15: The Uncomfortable Cutlery Set

The Uncomfortable Cutlery Set
Katerina Kamprani

#16: Slim Staircase

Slim Staircase
Katerina Kamprani

#17: Thick Knife

Thick Knife
Katerina Kamprani

#18: Hoop Chair

Hoop Chair
Katerina Kamprani

#19: The Uncomfortable Fork

The Uncomfortable Fork
Katerina Kamprani

#20: The Uncomfortable Rain Boots

The Uncomfortable Rain Boots
Katerina Kamprani

#21: The Uncomfortable Watering Can

The Uncomfortable Watering Can
Katerina Kamprani

#22: Thick Button

Thick Button
Katerina Kamprani

#23: Uncomfortable Chair

Uncomfortable Chair
Katerina Kamprani

#24: The Uncomfortable Broom

The Uncomfortable Broom
Katerina Kamprani

#25: The Uncomfortable Entrance

The Uncomfortable Entrance
Katerina Kamprani

#26: The Uncomfortable Key

The Uncomfortable Key
Katerina Kamprani

#27: The Uncomfortable Fork

The Uncomfortable Fork
Katerina Kamprani

#28: Uncomfortable Spoon

Uncomfortable Spoon
Katerina Kamprani

#29: The Uncomfortable Briki

The Uncomfortable Briki
Katerina Kamprani

#30: Chain Fork

Chain Fork
Katerina Kamprani

#31: Inflatable Paddle

Inflatable Paddle
Katerina Kamprani

#32: The Uncomfortable Pot

The Uncomfortable Pot
Katerina Kamprani

#33: The Uncomfortable Set

The Uncomfortable Set
Katerina Kamprani