This is the story of woman who dreamed about becoming the world’s fattest woman !
Monica Riley, a Fort Worth, Texas resident, had set out to become the world’s fattest woman. At her heaviest, she weighed 700lbs as a result of consuming up to 10,000 calories daily. She also had her fiance Sid feed her 3500-calorie milkshakes through a funnel in her pursuit of this goal. However, after finding out that she was pregnant, Monica decided to abandon this plan and started to lose weight for the sake of motherhood and ultimately gave birth to a baby girl named Michelle after shedding nearly 200 pounds!
Monica was on a mission to become the fattest woman in the world. She worked hard, eating huge amounts of food and watching her waistline gradually expand during her quest for size. Unfortunately, when she discovered she was pregnant, Monica decided to change course and put her health first. Through an aggressive diet plan and exercise routine, she managed to shed close to 200 pounds before giving birth to her daughter Michelle.
At her heaviest, Monica Riley weighed 700lbs.

Monica Riley successfully lost 200lbs to guarantee a safe childbirth for her daughter

The new mother, now with her child Michelle, is determined to lose more weight

Monica said: ‘The jumpstart to losing weight was falling pregnant. I knew I wanted to have a family with Sid and I knew I had to take drastic steps in order for that to happen.
‘At my heaviest I was around 700lbs, then before I had her I was 520lbs, and now I’m down to around 465lbs.’
Monica was once the fattest woman alive – she weighed 1,100 lbs.. Monica experienced medical complications such as two miscarriages and a diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), which caused her to gain weight and difficulty in conceiving.
Monica Said: ‘When I first heard I was pregnant, I was shocked. Seeing a positive test wasn’t that big a deal as it’d happened a couple of times before, and I’d always miscarried. But when I went to get a sonogram for the first time and I got to see her on the screen, it was magical.’
Monica’s posts documenting her high-calorie consumption generated a huge following on social media

Monica said: ‘After the miscarriages though, I was so scared that something would go wrong and she wouldn’t make it. I was terrified to be fully happy and accept the fact that I was pregnant and had a baby in me and she was still growing,’
Following a strict diet, Monica managed to lose 180lbs. Still, this did not prevent her from facing health issues during her pregnancy. As a result of complications, her baby Michelle had to be delivered via C-section after 33 weeks of gestation.
Michelle was born 4lbs 9oz and had difficulty breathing. Doctors quickly took her away and with the help of a careful diet.

Monica said: ‘She came out and I didn’t hear a cry and I was terrified. I was thinking “Is she okay? Is she alive? They bundled her up and showed her to us for a split second, then rushed to put her on a ventilator to get her to start breathing. It was a day and a half before I got to see her, that was the longest wait of my life. When I first saw her, I just started crying. I sobbed uncontrollably. Sid made sure that no one aside from the doctors had held her before me. Her face was all scrunched up and she looked like a little potato. She was hooked up to all these wires and oxygen and I didn’t know what was wrong with her, I just knew that when I saw her little cheeks and hands, I was so happy,’ added Monica.
On the other hand, she said she does not blame her lifestyle for the complications.
Monica has no regrets about her past

Monica said: ‘When I look back at eating junk food every day, I don’t regret it at all, it tastes amazing! But I know what it did to me, and I’m not about that lifestyle anymore. The thought of being immobile just doesn’t appeal anymore, now that I’ve got a gorgeous little baby, I want to be able to keep up with her. I want Sid and me to be able to walk around the park with her, go to the mall together, go shopping and take her to the playground. That is just something that couldn’t have been done before,’
The new lifestyle of Monica

Monica is adamant about achieving her weight loss goals, and is considering gastric bypass surgery as an option to help her along the way.
Sid has been caught in the crosshairs of criticism due to his opinion that esthetically Monica is more attractive because of her weight. However, he still maintains that he loves her no matter what and that it won’t change his adoration for her.
Sid said: I don’t care what size she is, I love her as a person, and that’s never going to change. If she has a gastric bypass and gets down to 150lbs, I’ll still love her, and we have this little baby together,
Finally Monica added: ‘I can’t believe I’m finally a mum. Ditching funnel feeds for bottle feeds is the best thing I’ve ever done.’