The narrative revolves around Valeria Levitin, the most svelte woman in the world, who achieves a weight of four stones after years of arduous dieting—a fraction of what her health dictates is acceptable. The NHS advises an individual who is 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighs between 9st and 12st. Levitin, notwithstanding her slender physique, vehemently dissuades individuals from striving for matchstick-thin physiques, thus serving as an urgent reminder.

The 39-year-old candidly tells The Sun, “I have received emails from young women requesting my assistance in replicating my way of living. It is noteworthy that the majority of the correspondents, who are women in their twenties, perceive me as an improbable wellspring of inspiration.
Valeria Levitin, a Russian living in Monaco, receives fan mail from females wanting to look like her skeleton.

As a reaction, she courageously confronts her predicament and engages in active advocacy against the pervasive problem of anorexia. Valeria Levitin unequivocally declares her position, adamantly declining to furnish a road map to what she characterizes as a dangerous path to self-annihilation.

Valeria, who has struggled with an eating disorder since her early childhood, has now made the decision to disclose in public the profound consequences that this condition has had on every aspect of her life. Motivated by an intense longing to impart her journey, she strives to discourage individuals from yielding to an analogous demise. Valeria Levitin emphasizes that she feels “isolated, unattractive, and repulsive to those around me” due to her anorexia.

Her steadfastness originates from her mother’s apprehensions that Valeria’s weight may resemble that of other family members who are afflicted with obesity. This induced dietary restrictions in the child of the individual.
She increased the severity of her dietary restrictions, removing carbohydrates and sugar from her meals, in an effort to blend in.

Driven by an unyielding quest for excellence, Valeria’s mother diligently monitored her daughter’s weight in an effort to prevent any undesired weight gain.
Valeria, who weighed 10st at the age of 16, moved in with her parents to Chicago. She was eager to integrate into her new school environment and held the belief that losing weight would ensure her acceptability and popularity.

Regrettably, subsequent to a prolonged fasting period, Valeria’s body developed an intolerance to specific foods, which subsequently became difficult to digest. A spiteful remark made by a classmate about Valeria’s physique during a football game galvanized her resolve to further reduce her body mass, thereby intensifying her ongoing ordeal.
She recounts a distressing incident as follows: “A man stated, ‘I know how we can triumph,’ during the game. Valeria’s enormous arse must be placed in the goal. “It completely shattered my world.”

Valeria’s dress size decreased significantly by the age of 23, from a size 12 to a diminutive 6.
Taking up a modeling career further exacerbated the difficulties she already faced. It was determined that her weight prevented her from succeeding. At the age of twenty-four, she was forbidden from dancing out of concern for potential injuries, as her weight was only six stones.
She consulted with more than thirty health specialists over the course of the following decade, reaching a perilous low of 3 stone 10 pounds. Despite her present cravings for specific foods, consuming them continues to be unattainable.
At this time, Valeria Levitin maintains the viewpoint that a conventional medical intervention will result in a cure, as she has not observed any weight gain despite visiting multiple specialists.

Her ongoing reliance on avoiding numerous foods is due to their detrimental impacts on her body. Her bread abstinence has progressed to the extent that she is unable to recollect its flavor.
The solitude that has descended upon her existence is a result of her affliction. The world’s lightest woman, who has been single for a decade, finds relationships difficult and is incapable of engaging in traditional couple activities such as dining out.
Conversely, she posits that the central concern pertains to a “imbalance between the physical and spiritual.”
Valeria currently takes dietary supplements to reduce the likelihood of bruising and abstains from circumstances that could potentially result in accidents.
As she contemplates a return to Moscow, a place where she experiences a greater sense of self-awareness, she contemplates the utilization of surrogacy to realize her longstanding ambition of becoming a mother.

She suggests that her desire for a child may act as a catalyst for her to regain her health. She holds the conviction that she can simultaneously strive for motherhood and acquire optimal health.
The narrowest woman in the world emphasizes her desire for a family: “I believe I have so much to offer that I would love to have a family. However, it would be inappropriate for me to have a child while I am unwell. Doing so would be inconsiderate of the child’s welfare. I am prepared to confront anorexia. “Throughout my life, I have never given up on anything, and I have no intention of doing so now.”