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Cristiano Ronaldo Has Become The First Individual In History To Have 600 Million Instagram Followers

Cristiano Ronaldo Has Become The First Individual In History To Have 600 Million Instagram Followers

Cristiano Ronaldo has achieved an unprecedented feat that sets him apart from any other individual.

The iconic footballer has achieved a remarkable milestone by amassing a staggering 600 million followers on Instagram, solidifying his position as the most followed person on the popular social media platform.

While Instagram itself maintains a slightly higher follower count (650 million), Ronaldo is not far behind, showcasing the immense influence he wields.

Surpassing his closest rival, with whom he shares a fierce on-field rivalry, Ronaldo’s Instagram following dwarfs that of Lionel Messi, who boasts 482 million followers.

Their football prowess may have sparked debates, but in the realm of social media, Ronaldo has established a considerable lead.

Yet, when it comes to garnering likes on a single photograph, it’s Messi who reigns supreme.

The images capturing Messi alongside his victorious Argentina national football team after their 2022 FIFA World Cup win hold the record for the most likes, amassing an impressive 75.7 million double-taps.

Interestingly, the list of the top 10 most liked Instagram posts is largely dominated by Messi and Ronaldo (with the exception of a viral egg photo).

These two sporting giants consistently attract remarkable engagement from their followers, particularly during significant events like Ronaldo’s announcements about his twins or his move to Saudi Arabia.

Their collective impact was evident in a Louis Vuitton advertisement that garnered a combined 74 million likes.

Even a significant drop in followers last November, amounting to three million for Ronaldo, becomes trivial considering his monumental follower count.

To put this into perspective, if Ronaldo’s followers were a nation, it would rank as the third most populous in the world, trailing only behind China and India.

His followers surpass the entire population of the European Union, underscoring his unprecedented digital reach and global influence.


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