For many stores, Christmas is just over the horizon, and this is a busy time of year; one little gift shop in Fort Collins, Colorado, had some unusual guests.
Working her regular shift at the Horsetooth Inn and RV Park, Lori Jones was at the shop when a juvenile doe meandering about seemed to be on a mission to select some gifts. “It was funny,” Lori said to The Dodo. “She was perusing the chips and the sunglasses. I started to chuckle really hard.
Lori searched the store and then used a delicious treat to draw the doe out. Still, the trip was far from finished. About thirty minutes later, the deer came back—along with her whole family.
Well-adjusted as they were, the family of the doe waited patiently outdoors. “They were just peering in the doorway like, “Can we come in too?” I objected, “No!” It was just hilarious.
Lori finally managed to get the inquisitive family out of the store, but not before gathering some amazing close-ups. Although bighorn sheep, deer, raccoons, and mountain lions abound in the Colorado region, this was an exceptionally close encounter!
A small gift shop in Fort Collins, Colorado recently had some guests they didn’t expect

A young doe walked in without a fuss, as if she was there to buy gifts for her family
“She looked at the chips and the sunglasses.” It made me laugh so hard
“After about 30 minutes, the deer and her family show up again.”
“They were just looking in the doorway like, ‘Can we come in too?’ I said, No! It was so funny”
However, Lori was able to get the interested family to leave her store, but not before taking some stunning close-up pictures
While there is plenty of wildlife around this beautiful area, this was an unusually close encounter!
Image credits: Horsetooth Inn and RV Park