Home Funny Funny & Interesting Coincidences That Seem Impossible But Really Happened (20-Pics)

Funny & Interesting Coincidences That Seem Impossible But Really Happened (20-Pics)


The world is full of surprises, as we all know. Or, to put it another way, anything can happen suddenly and coincidentally. Unimaginable things can occasionally occur coincidentally. These are just unbelievable.

We’ve collected some of the most remarkable images of seemingly inconceivable coincidences. Enjoy your time as you scroll down.

#1: Glitch In The Matrix

Glitch In The Matrix
Image Credit: reddit

#2: A balding bus

Image Credit: reddit

#3: Blackbird catching a ride on a osprey’s stick (by Jocelyn Anderson)

Image Credit: reddit

#4: None of these people on the bus knew each other

Image Credit: reddit

#5: Dragonfly ate a mosquito that was about to bite

Image Credit: reddit

#6: Three cars of the same make, model, and ugly color parked in front of a building with the same ugly color

Image Credit: imgur

#7: Pigeon poops portrait of itself on a leaf

Image Credit: reddit

#8: After the storm

Image Credit: reddit

#9: Don’t ask how, I don’t know

Image Credit: reddit

#10: This is how the newspapers were stacked up at my job

Image Credit: reddit

#11: Three Girls In The Same Row, Wearing The Same Color Sweater, With The Same Color Hair

Image Credit: reddit

#12: Oddest Odd Possible

Image Credit: reddit

#13: My rental car is on the left. Parked at a winery and came outside to find this

Image Credit: reddit

#14: Lucky Car

Image credit: reddit

#15: A Tiger 1 barrel destroyed by another tank shell

Image credit: reddit

#16: The Irony Here Is Amazing. Never Tell Me The Odds

Image Credit: reddit

#17: The Serial Number On This Pizza Cutter

Image Credit: reddit

#18: How this pilot’s plane took a hit

Image Credit: reddit

#19: Found a dog toy that is a less-spooky-version of my husband’s tattoo

Image Credit: reddit

#20: I Spent $7.11 And At A 7-Eleven At 7:11 Am

Image Credit: reddit


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