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Cute 3-Month-Old Pit Bull Fell Asleep In A Funny Way With A Girl


Puppies are so funny animals and they behave like kids sometimes. We all like to see their funny actions at any moment. We get this funny news in a boredpanda article. This story is about an adorable 3-month-old pit bull puppy named Nino.

One day Nino went to the beach with his owner Kamila and her sister. They spent the whole day on the beach and got good fun. They ran all around the beach and getting tired end of the day. This happened during the ride back to the home between Nino and Kamila’s sister. Due to the tiredness, They fell asleep in the vehicle in a funny way.

It was a very funny moment. Sometimes, Nino slept like a human on a girl’s shoulder.

The whole thing was captured by Nino’s owner Kamila and published on her Instagram and Ticktock. This funny thing went viral on social media and more people fall in love with Nino.

Check More Info about Nino in his Instagram and TikTok account.

Here is the TikTok video that went viral.

Here the more actions captured by her original video.

Cute 3-Month-Old Pitbull Fall Asleep In A Funny Way With Girl
Image Credit: ninoobully
Image Credit: ninoobully

Nino is a cute and adorable Pit bull. Check more his cuddle actions.


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