Home Inspiration A Study Shows That We Only Fall in Love with 3 People...

A Study Shows That We Only Fall in Love with 3 People in Our Lifetime ! Each One Has A Specific Reason


There is nothing in the world that can compare to the feeling of falling in love. Consuming is the only thing that comes close to matching the intensity of it. That sudden onslaught of feelings and disconnection from the surrounding world.

There are numerous expressions of love that are possible. It might be fueled by passion, attraction, and chemistry, or it might be ephemeral like the rain in the summer. Either way, it might be hiding around every corner. The feeling of love can become a pattern in one’s life. It is possible for this to take place much later on in our lives, or it could take place rather early on in our lives.

All of these are just different expressions of love, and each one of them helps us become ready for the one love that may truly transform our lives and make a difference in who we are.

According to the findings of a recent study, it is possible for a person to experience love on at least three separate occasions throughout their lives. On the other hand, each of these interactions might take place in a unique manner, in contrast to the one that came before it, and each one serves a distinct function. The “one that makes us do stupid things,” “the one that breaks and makes us,” and “the one that does not need a special reason,” respectively.

Everyone who hasn’t had the good fortune to fall in love with the right person from the start has lived through three different types of love: the first one that makes us do foolish things, the second one that makes us work hard for it, and the third one that doesn’t need a special reason to succeed. In order to reach that ultimate, cathartic love, the one that many refer to as a lifetime love, we have to go through love’s stages. The so-called “Three Loves Theory” is what you’re looking at here.

1. The First Love

The First Love

Typically, we have our first romantic experience when we are still quite young. This type of love is known as “idealistic love,” and the majority of us find it during our time in high school. This is the kind of love that is shown in fairy tales and romantic comedies from Hollywood. The couple will have unrealistically high hopes for their relationship, thinking that it would lead to them getting married and settling down in a lovely home where they will be content for the rest of their lives. Because this love is so dramatic and so incredibly passionate, we are willing to do anything in our power to ensure that it continues for as long as it possibly can.

After that, we reach a point where adhering to our own principles becomes less significant. We will, in some way, have the desire for the relationship to be successful, and we will have the tendency to believe that this is how “real love” is supposed to be.

2: The Second Love

This love teaches you more about yourself than any of the other loves in your life, including the other person you’re involved with in a relationship. You have come to the realization that you would benefit immensely from having someone by your side in whom you can place your trust and for whom you can feel love. But you only discover this the hard way – typically via emotional anguish and dishonesty.

The second sort of love is far more intricate and tough to deal with than the first kind. This love will compel us to realize “who we are as individuals,” “who our partners are,” and “where we want to go in life,” among other things.

You both make mistakes and ask for forgiveness within this love. No matter how much effort you put into it, you will have to go through this process multiple times, possibly over the course of years, until you become exhausted and decide to give up.

Due to the fact that this love is not only intense but also dramatic, you have kept waiting for it to reach its happy conclusion. But in the end, things are almost always worse than you anticipated.

This event not only made you more powerful, but it also brought you back to reality and helped you understand that there isn’t always a happy ending to love stories. It taught you that love isn’t always a walk in the clouds; rather, it’s a lesson that old habits die long and that you can’t force love since you’ll just end up going in circles as a result.

With this kind of love, putting forth the effort to make it work becomes more crucial than determining whether or not it should. It is the kind of love that we hoped would prevail.

3: The Third Love

This love is something that sneaks up on us. The love that absolutely NO ONE anticipates, the love that will take you by surprise and completely dispel any unfavorable preconceptions we may have had about love in the past. This type of love is often referred to as “easy love” because it does not involve any intricate or difficult dynamics. The love that finds us while we aren’t looking for it is the love that matters most.

At this point, we no longer anticipate that love will be like something out of a fairy tale. We have suffered not just emotionally and mentally but also physically as a result of the profound love that we have known. Unanticipatedly, the third sort of love will make its way into our life. When we first met this individual, our personalities were so different from theirs that it was unlikely that we would ever consider having a romantic connection with them. This love will come about in a completely unexpected manner and out of the blue. Because of these elements, the relationship will become more powerful and intense.

the one that typically doesn’t work out for us at all and dashes any remaining illusions we had about what love is meant to be like for us. This is the kind of love that is so natural and effortless that it defies belief. It’s the kind of thing where the connection can’t be articulated, and it takes us off our feet because we never planned for it to happen.

This is the type of love in which we come together with another person and it just seems right; there are no preconceived notions about how each of us ought to be behaving, nor is there any kind of pressure to alter who we already are in order to accommodate the other person.

And then there are those people who needed to experience the same kind of love multiple times because they had thought that each new relationship will be different from all of the others they have had in the past.

There is no way for us to determine who is the luckiest person. It is debatable as to whether it is preferable to search for and find the ideal love right away or to experience each of the three distinct sorts of love during the course of one’s lifetime. People who have experienced all three types of love, however, tend to be more resilient.

They are aware of the feeling of heartache, and they have experienced what it is like to do something and be unsuccessful. Their partnerships have given them the confidence to take risks in love and in life.

There are three distinctly different stages of love that some people have not yet experienced. Why? due to the possibility that you are not prepared for every love. And don’t forget that love is an experience. It is deserving of praise as well as processing.

Whether you are a part of the perfect love, the ideal love, or the damaged love, you will learn something about each of these types of love. It is not a problem if you have only had one love in your lifetime; it has been said that having several loves is not a requirement in order to live a full life.

You are the protagonist of your own love story, which is also the trip that you yourself are on.


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