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At the Denver Zoo, a Fish With a Funny Float Gets a CT Scan


When zookeepers at a zoo in Colorado observed a French angelfish exhibiting abnormal swimming behavior, they rushed it to the zoo’s infirmary.

According to a Facebook post published by the zoo on August 29th, the fish was removed from the Denver Zoo’s Tropical Discovery exhibit and prepared for a comprehensive examination.

However, this examination was anything but typical.

Zoo employees inquired, “Have you ever witnessed a fish undergoing a CT scan?”

Image Credit: Denver Zoo/Facebook

As depicted in a photograph shared by the aquarium, the fish was passed cautiously through a CT scanner while cradled between two sponge sections. The zoo explained, “Our veterinary medicine teams sedated the fish and intermittently supplied water over its gills while conducting a comprehensive examination and CT scan.”

Social media users were not oblivious to the extraordinary occurrence. The fish taco was so adorable!

The fish has since returned to its natural habitat at Tropical Discovery, where it is once again swimming with vigor.

Now, let’s explore some fascinating facts about the French angelfish:

According to the Florida Museum of Natural History, French angelfish, also known scientifically as Pomacanthus paru, primarily inhabit coral reefs in order to avoid nocturnal predators. The western Atlantic Ocean, from Florida and the Bahamas southward to Brazil, is home to these captivating organisms.

They have also been observed in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. As described by the non-profit organization Oceana, French angelfish are foragers whose diet consists predominantly of sessile invertebrates and plants. Notably, the French angelfish is listed as a threatened species on the Red List of Threatened Species maintained by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.


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