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Before scaling 1,200 feet above Dubai, a free climber was unaware that the crane had been coated in grease


A British free climber known as YouTuber Nuisance stunned viewers with a heart-stopping stunt atop a tower in Dubai. However, the climber’s adrenaline high suddenly turned into a slippery situation when he noticed the entire crane was coated in oil, impeding his grip and risking a deadly fall.

Image Credit: Nuisance/YouTube

The intrepid adventurer, whose real name is Adam Lockwood and hails from Manchester, devised an audacious plan to infiltrate the residential skyscraper known as Il Primo, ascending a dizzying 390 meters (1,280 ft) above the ground. Posing as a construction worker, Lockwood carefully navigated the site, evading the watchful eyes of genuine workers during his arduous climb.

Adam Lockwood, better known on YouTube as Nuisance, climbed to the top of the crane. Image Credit: Animal News Agency

Recounting his escapade, Lockwood revealed an encounter with a suspicious individual who initially tried to impede his progress. Employing a clever ruse, the resourceful climber convinced the person that he was part of the construction crew, allowing him to continue his ascent undisturbed.

Avoiding the arduous climb up 77 floors in sweltering 45-degree heat, Lockwood strategically switched staircases eight times within a two-hour span to outmaneuver fellow workers. Along the way, he refreshed himself by drenching his head with water from taps, offering a brief respite from the scorching conditions.

Image Credit: Nuisance/YouTube

Upon reaching the pinnacle, Lockwood realized his misfortune—a sticky surprise awaited him. Rather than desert dust, the metal bars of the crane were covered in a slick layer of grease. The climber’s hands and feet struggled to maintain traction, heightening the danger of his precarious position.

Image Credit: Nuisance/YouTube

Undeterred by the slippery challenge, Lockwood fearlessly documented his astonishing feat using a GoPro camera, albeit with limited battery life. The footage captured his awe-inspiring movements, including spine-tingling moments of hanging from a single hand and executing daring inverted maneuvers by looping his legs over a bar.

Image Credit: Nuisance/YouTube

Reflecting on his extraordinary experience, Lockwood described a mixture of surrealism and serenity, explaining that his mind goes blank during these exhilarating stunts. He marveled at the uniqueness of his achievement, acknowledging that only a fraction of the world’s population possesses the skill and courage to accomplish such a feat.

However, upon safely returning to the ground, Lockwood expressed his intention to retire from such perilous endeavors, vowing never to repeat the nerve-wracking crane climb. Overwhelmed by the intensity of the experience and recalling a few close calls that tested his grip and footing, he emphasized the inherent risks involved.

Image Credit: Nuisance/YouTube

Concluding his video with a breathless declaration, Lockwood firmly declared that he had no intention of attempting a similar feat again. Yet, despite the hazards and potential legal consequences, he believed the reward outweighed the danger. Hanging off the tallest crane in Dubai, situated near the world’s tallest building, was an extraordinary accomplishment that he felt compelled to undertake and cherish.

Image Credit: Nuisance/YouTube

For Lockwood, the allure of lofty perspectives and the thrill of infiltrating secure locations have become an essential part of his life. While acknowledging the dangers, he expressed a deep-rooted passion for defying gravity and relishing the challenges that accompany his unique brand of exploration.


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