Home Bizarre Man Built a Small DIY House On His Toyota Prius

Man Built a Small DIY House On His Toyota Prius


A competent gardener, James Lawler, started on an unusual endeavor, transforming the back of his Toyota Prius into one of the smallest mobile houses ever seen. Surprisingly, this tiny house is also a hybrid vehicle!

Lawler’s ingenuity shined through as he built the house out of recycled and repurposed materials. With a total cost of around $150 and a building time of only one week, he realized his brilliant vision.

Images © Mitch Bear/Herald Sun

Featuring a charming tin roof, a chimney, and even a stained-glass window, this DIY hybrid “motorhome” served as Lawler’s cozy sleeping quarters during the Meredith Music Festival in Victoria. While fellow festival-goers were resigned to roughing it in tents, Lawler relished the comforts of his wheeled sanctuary, proclaiming, “It’s quite well insulated in there and more comfortable than a tent.”

Images © Mitch Bear/Herald Sun

Although Lawler encountered a fine from the local police, he staunchly defends the roadworthiness and safety of his tiny mobile home. While it will eventually be dismantled, Lawler has an exciting new plan in the works—an even more weather-resistant caravan. Anticipation runs high as we eagerly await the unveiling of his next ingenious creation!


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