Home Nature 33 Most Incredible Pictures Ever Captured Of Extraordinary Weather Conditions And Phenomena

33 Most Incredible Pictures Ever Captured Of Extraordinary Weather Conditions And Phenomena


The environment around us is capable of producing a wide range of climatic phenomena and conditions on a daily basis, including situations and occurrences such as light rain or snow falling in the middle of December, fog in the morning, and a burst of sunshine on a warm Friday afternoon.

The weather has the potential to have a tremendous influence on our day-to-day lives. Our disposition, our choice of clothes, and whether or not our goals can be carried out given the current state of affairs are all influenced by it.

There is a potential for people to be put in harm’s way by more severe weather occurrences, such as tornadoes and hurricanes, as well as blizzards and floods. They run the risk of having their houses or family members taken away from them, as well as sustaining injuries that could prove fatal.

On the other hand, we can all agree that witnessing particular occurrences, even if it’s nothing more than a huge spark in the sky, might cause one to ponder the overwhelming impressiveness of our world.

It has come to my attention that a certain online community shares a variety of photographs related to the weather. We have selected some of the very greatest ones.

More info: Reddit

#1: 60,000′ high supercell in west Texas, gearing up to spawn a tornado and hailstorm

60,000' high supercell in west Texas, gearing up to spawn a tornado and hailstorm
Credit: GSyncNew

#2: Texas, May 17 2021; credit to stormchaser Laura Rowe

Credit: spinosaurus_love

#3: Taken Near Glenburn, ND

Credit: NativeJim

#4: Twister at Wyoming , USA

Credit: PrinceofUranus0

#5: Wicked severe thunderstorm front over Minneapolis, MN

Credit: NativeJim

#6: A storm forming over Wisconsin

Credit: prbecker

#7: Supercell near Leoti, KS

Credit: Mikashuki

#8: Amazing photo by Adam Kyle Jackson

Credit: PoppersOfCorn

#9: A pilot captured this thunderstorm as seen from 37,000 feet

Credit: donlic

#10: Shot of a land spout in Weld County, CO

Credit: zombee-n8or

#11: Stormy Sunset, Wild Horses Beach, North Carolina (OC)

Credit: Slapdisk

#12: Can someone explain this?

Credit: Blueomicron13

#13: From a storm over Edmonton Canada

Credit: Background-Milk9760

#14: Photo taken in Oahu, Hawaii by Benji Barnes

Credit: TheRoyalDon

#15: Shelf cloud in Nebraska

Credit: Isodrosotherm

#16: Bilbao, Spain. Last night

Credit: NolifeX

#17: Rainbow

Credit: toddotodd

#18: Mammatus clouds Fishers, Indiana. 45-60 mins after hail and a tornado cell later down wind

Credit: NoBasket9151

#19: Backside of a storm. Powhatan VA

Credit: PhotonPainter

#20: Tornado captured west of Akron, Colorado (Photo credit to Nenah Demunster)

Credit: HellsJuggernaut

#21: Apocalyptic sky in Northern California yesterday due to smoke from nearby fires

Credit: catsnothats

#22: Thermal storm. Poland. Near Warsaw

Credit: PiM_StormChasers

#23: Incoming storm Sioux Falls, SD. Photo Cr. Alex Resel

Credit: Mikashuki

#24: Double Rainbow

Credit: SaukerlLonz

#25: Turkish delight

Credit: HauryDoing

#26: The sky over Oxford on Sunday

Credit: Smaczliwka

#27: Australian sunset storm

Credit: rinse__and__repeat

#28: Stormy day in Minnesota…

Credit: PushtheRiver33

#29: Lightning in Barcelona, during a thunderstorm last summer

Credit: egnolac

#30: Sprites over Oklahoma (Paul M Smith)

Credit: earthmoonsun

#31: Dallas, TX. No idea what these are called but I’ve never seen clouds like this again

Credit: BagOk8702

#32: Stormy

Credit: birqpics

#33: Heavy rainfall over Ocean in northern Spain

Credit: SaukerlLonz


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