Home People Nurse Spent Over $200,000 To Become a ‘Real-life’ Barbie Doll

Nurse Spent Over $200,000 To Become a ‘Real-life’ Barbie Doll

Nurse Spent Over $200,000 To Become a 'Real-life' Barbie Doll

Tara Jayne, a licensed cosmetic nurse from Melbourne, totally embraces a Barbie-inspired lifestyle. She’s spent over $200,000 on chest augmentations, nose operations, and Botox treatments to look like the iconic Barbie Doll.

Jayne has a large following on Instagram, with over 207 thousand followers. She uses this platform to offer updates on her new look and to advertise the items of her treatments. Despite criticism from some, the 31-year-old remains unaffected, claiming that this “expensive hobby” brings her satisfaction and dismissing the opinions of others.

During an interview with The Morning Show, Jayne emphasized the significance of body positivity and the freedom to express oneself through physical transformation. She explained:

“In today’s era, it is crucial for women to express their feelings and explore every aspect of beauty. Plastic surgery is my way of achieving that, and it genuinely brings me joy. It grants me the confidence to be the best version of myself.”

Despite the convictions held by Jayne, her way of life has attracted significant critique on social media. Detractors argue that her body modifications go too far and set a detrimental example for young girls worldwide. Nevertheless, Jayne remains resolute in her commitment to this hobby, undeterred by the backlash and the financial burden of maintaining her appearance.

According to Jayne, her surgeries have not only improved her self-esteem but also increased her overall comfort in her own skin. While some procedures have permanent effects on her body, certain cosmetic treatments necessitate regular maintenance, resulting in substantial expenses. Notably, Botox and filler injections yield temporary effects on her facial appearance, requiring frequent visits to the doctor to sustain her desired look.

She explained:

“At times, it’s quite easy to spend anywhere between $2,000 to $5,000. This hobby of mine can be quite costly.”

While many individuals disapprove of her choices, Jayne also boasts a considerable fanbase that admires her unapologetic authenticity. To safeguard her mental well-being, she chooses to focus solely on those who express positive sentiments towards her.

In her own words:

“I have tunnel vision when it comes to that stuff because I have dealt with bullying and people making derogatory comments my entire life. But I have learned to deal with that. I just focus on what I want to do and I am super happy and that’s all that matters… The hate is making me famous,”

With her rapidly growing social media following, Jayne claims that her unique lifestyle has opened up numerous career opportunities for her.


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